Thursday, February 6

How to serve in badminton? Tips and Techniques!

how to serve in badminton

Badminton is a fast-paced and exciting sport that requires skill, agility, and precision. One of the key components of success in badminton is mastering the art of serving. A good serve can give you the advantage in a game, setting the tone for the point and putting pressure on your opponent. In this article, we will explore tips and techniques for mastering the art of serving in badminton. Let’s find out how to serve in badminton! 

Importance of a Good Serve

The serve is the starting point of every point in badminton, making it a crucial aspect of the game. A good serve can help you gain control of the rally, dictate the pace of play, and put your opponent on the defensive. By mastering the art of serving, you can increase your chances of winning points and ultimately the game.

Types of Serves

There are several types of serves in badminton, each with its own unique characteristics and purposes. Some of the most common types of serves include:

1. High Serve: A high serve is a slow, looping serve that is designed to land deep in your opponent’s court. This type of serve is often used to put pressure on your opponent and force them to play defensively.

2. Low Serve: A low serve is a fast, flat serve that is aimed at landing close to the net. This type of serve is used to surprise your opponent and catch them off guard.

3. Flick Serve: A flick serve is a deceptive serve that looks like a low serve but is hit with more power and height. This type of serve is used to force your opponent to move quickly and disrupt their positioning.

4. Drive Serve: A drive serve is a powerful, flat serve that is aimed at skimming the net and landing deep in your opponent’s court. This type of serve is used to put pressure on your opponent and force them to play defensively.

7 Tips on how to serve in badminton

1. Practice Consistently: Like any skill in badminton, serving requires practice to master. Make sure to dedicate time to practicing your serves regularly to improve your technique and consistency.

2. Focus on Technique: Pay attention to your grip, stance, and swing when serving. A good technique is essential for generating power and accuracy in your serves.

3. Mix Up Your Serves: Keep your opponent guessing by mixing up your serves. Use a variety of serves, including high, low, flick, and drive serves, to keep your opponent off balance.

4. Watch Your Opponent: Pay attention to your opponent’s positioning and movement when serving. Adjust your serves based on their weaknesses and tendencies to exploit their vulnerabilities.

5. Stay Relaxed: Tension in your body can affect the quality of your serves. Stay relaxed and loose when serving to generate more power and control.

6. Follow Through: A strong follow-through is essential for generating power and accuracy in your serves. Make sure to follow through with your swing to maximize the impact of your serve.

7. Practice with a Purpose: When practicing your serves, focus on specific aspects of your technique that need improvement. Set goals for each practice session and work towards achieving them.

5 Techniques for Mastering the Art of Serving

1. Grip: The grip is an essential aspect of serving in badminton. Hold the racket with a firm grip, but not too tight, to generate power and control in your serves.

2. Stance: Your stance is crucial for generating power and accuracy in your serves. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and body weight evenly distributed.

3. Swing: The swing is the most important part of the serve. Start with the racket behind you, bring it up and over your head, and follow through with a smooth motion to hit the shuttlecock.

4. Placement: Aim to land your serves in different areas of your opponent’s court to keep them guessing. Mix up your serves between the forehand, backhand, and center of the court to create opportunities for winning points.

5. Deception: Use deception in your serves to keep your opponent off balance. Flick serves, disguised as low serves, can catch your opponent by surprise and give you the advantage in the rally.


Mastering the art of serving in badminton is essential for success in the sport. By practicing consistently, focusing on technique, and using a variety of serves, you can improve your serving skills and increase your chances of winning points. Incorporate the tips and techniques mentioned in this article into your training routine to elevate your game and become a more effective server on the court. With dedication and hard work, you can master the art of serving in badminton and take your game to the next level.

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