Wednesday, March 12

AIFF President Chaubey Denies Corruption Allegations in Letter to Members

AIFF President Chaubey Denies Corruption Allegations in Letter

Kalyan Chaubey, the president of the All India Football Federation (AIFF), has strongly refuted allegations of corruption against him in a letter addressed to the federation’s members. These accusations, levelled by Nilanjan Bhattacharjee, the recently sacked AIFF legal head, claim Chaubey engaged in the preferential allocation of tenders, misused funds, and entered into unfavourable contracts.

Chaubey maintains his innocence, calling the allegations a “concerted and systematic effort” to malign him before the upcoming AGM and Lok Sabha elections. He further claims Bhattacharjee’s accusations are politically motivated and aimed at destabilizing the AIFF.

Don’t Remember what the AIFF controversy was about? Watch this video

AIFF President Denies Allegations in Letter

The letter addresses specific allegations impacting Indian football, including:

Indigo Contract:

Chaubey denies wrongdoing in the partnership with Indigo airlines. He stated it was a barter deal for mutual promotion and included a discount on ticket purchases.

Tenders and Dummy Cameras:

He disputes Bhattacharjee’s claim of manipulating the I-League broadcast tender process. He questions why Bhattacharjee, who was previously on the Tender Selection Committee, hadn’t raised concerns earlier. Regarding the “dummy cameras” allegation, Chaubey has formed a Technical Committee to investigate the matter.

Financial Management:

Chaubey emphasizes his commitment to responsible spending. He cited instances like flying economy class and staying in standard rooms despite being entitled to better arrangements. He has also requested Deloitte, the AIFF’s internal auditors, to be present at the AGM to address any financial management concerns.

Personal Trips:

While acknowledging travelling to various states and internationally, Chaubey maintains these trips were for legitimate purposes. For instance, facilitating stadium development and securing financial support for tournaments. He adds that his international trips benefited India through FIFA initiatives.

Chaubey concludes the letter by reiterating his commitment to transparency and good governance. He states his willingness to address any queries at the upcoming AGM. He has also sent a defamation notice to Bhattacharjee.

This situation has created significant tension within the AIFF. It remains to be seen how these allegations will be resolved. The upcoming AGM will be a crucial platform for further discussion and potential action.

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